color test powdersoft silk

S U P E R  P R O M O
colortest powdersoft silk

Powdersoft silk= the best there is in Bombyx Morus Silk
the longest possible fiber lenghts to spin a very souple
and extremley soft  water like type of silk
it feels simply said like liquide in your hands
immagine how nice it feels on your skin
a pure marvelous sensation

this specific color tests are the primarys of bigger coloring batches
every time we do a 24 kilo coloring in an even coloring we od a little test
on a 500 gram volume to figure out the color absorbtion etc etc

these test are done only for visual color computing  and so the start of the test and end of the test can give some
little spots or slightly of color effects
that is the raison we do that
GiGANTiC reduction

normal price = 350€ / kilo
now -64% reduction
= 125€ / kilo
= 12,50€/100gram

we do not offer the cones seperatlyonly in those 3 packs

for the first months we will only give you the powdersoft 3/7Nm
3/7Nm = the 3 folded type of the "normal" powdersoft we offer
3/7Nm = 233 meter per 100gram

this knits PERFECT on a 5,00mm
the sample in bleu i make is done on a 5,50mm  i personaly like a bit more fluidety in my textiles
but if you like more closed knits  you can go to a 4,50mm
but i strongly WARN YOU NOT to do smaller needles